

The 28th Pacific Economic Community Seminar “TPP and RCEP: Emerging Dual-Track Pathways towards FTAAP”


Research available to us reaffirms the value of further reducing tariff and non tariff barriers to trade and investment not just in APEC but globally and therefore we strongly support efforts at the forthcoming 9th WTO Ministerial Conference in Bali to revitalise WTO and the global trading system. However in the interim TPP and RCEP should be regarded as important complementary dual tracks towards FTAAP, which is itself a path to the ‘balanced, inclusive, sustainable, innovative, and secure growth’ as called for in the Yokohama vision and reaffirmed by the 2013 APEC Leaders Declaration.

The political and economic diversity within APEC means a ‘One-size-fits-all’ approach to create new economic communities no longer applies and flexibility should be allowed for economies to join either RCEP or TPP.

3.儘管TPP與RCEP 是通往FTAAP兩條重要的補充性軌道,然而隨著談判接近完成,一旦中國大陸主導RCEP,美國主導TPP,將可能為APEC區域帶來不受歡迎的雙極分歧前景風險。TPP或RCEP的成功不能依賴任一個區域夥伴關係或特定時期內政治外交上的單一經濟體。為避免這種狀況,我們相信PECC應該與APEC緊密合作,在TPP與RCEP間建立合作機制,促進連結與趨同,以能最終導向單一FTAAP的崛起。
While TPP and RCEP are complementary dual tracks towards FTAAP there is a risk that, as negotiations approach completion, if China dominates RCEP and the US dominates TPP this may bring unwelcome bi-polar division to the APEC region. The success of TPP or RCEP cannot depend on one single economy in either regional partnership or the political diplomacy of a particular period. To avoid this we believe PECC should work closely with APEC to establish coordinating mechanisms between the TPP and RCEP processes to facilitate alignment and convergence, which should ultimately lead to the emergence of one FTAAP.

APEC should clarify the schedule and timeframe to fulfill the goal of FTAAP in order that plans can be evolved to bridge TPP and RCEP into the FTAAP process. To fulfill the goal of FTAAP, all APEC members ought to be eligible to join the TPP and RCEP.

Public perception of both TPP and RCEP is that benefits may not justify the required sacrifices. PECC and APEC economists must work more closely with political leaders to provide independent and trusted analysis to the public and all key stakeholders.

TPP and RCEP will influence existing supply chains in our region. Members who have recently joined the TPP/RCEP need to be integrated into these and new supply chains. Economies that wish to join TPP/RCEP need to analyze the regional and domestic circumstances first and position themselves accordingly.
