


CTPECC於2017年11月14-16日假台北國賓酒店舉辦第32屆太平洋共同體研討會以「尋找經濟成長引擎」(Quest for Economic Growth Engines)為主題,CTPECC林建甫主席主持開幕,外交部政務次長章文梁擔任致詞貴賓。主持人、講者、與談人包括:台灣經濟研究院國際處何振生處長、Fukunari Kimura, Chief Economist, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia、政大國關中心李瓊莉副研究員、政大經濟系莊奕琦教授、Andrew Elek, Research Associate, Australian National University、Vo Tri Thanh, Chair, Vietnam National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation、Tan Ghee Giap, Chair, Singapore National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation、CTPECC丁廣欽副主席、Stephen Ezell, Vice President, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation、Antony H. C. Lee, Senior Project Manager, Metal Industries Research & Development Centre、Kyungjin Song, President, Institute for Global Economics,Seoul, Korea、Wangbor Chen, CEO, Bordao Co、Can Van Luc, SEVP of BIDV and Director of BIDV Training School/Member of VNCPEC、Eduardo Pedrosa, Secretary General, Pacific Economic Cooperation Council。
